Bigg & Tony

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Germs, germs go away....

Well, 2 weekends ago we reached a milestone as parents.....we were both sick at the same time. Thank goodness we have family close by to help out. Brayden started throwing up Thursday night and we (being the pessimists that we are) knew it was coming. I started Friday night about 2am, and Kevin started Saturday around noon. Well, needless to say, 2 throwing up parents cannot take care of a baby and a 6 year old. My parents came and picked up the boys until we could recover. So far Peyton has managed to avoid the stomach virus - thank goodness. However, he started having cold symptoms this past Monday. It came on really fast, runny nose, cough and drainy eyes. We debated whether to let him try to fight it off or take him to the doctor. A friend had recently mentioned that when her kids had weepy eyes, it usually meant their ears were infected. Well, we have been VERY fortunate with Brayden, and he has never had an ear infection. So we really didn't know what to look for. We decided to go ahead and make Peyton an appointment. I took him to the doc on Tuesday, and by the time we got there, he was actig much worse. He would just cry and cry, wich is very unlike him. Sure enough, both ears were infected. And his little cough got a lot worse too. He sounds like he is chocking when he coughs. It scares us to death! Kev stayed home with him today, and I'm off tomorrow already, so hopefully after a couple more doses of his antibiotic he will be feeling much better. We had been planning to make a long weekend and got to Myrtle Beach tonight since Brayden is off school tomorrow - but not now - why do these things pop up whenever you plan something like this?!?!?


  1. Oh, no, Debb! I'm praying that you ALL will be healthy again SOON! Emma had her 6-month shots Wed. and she seems to have cold symptoms today, too. :( I love the new photos and you guys! :)

  2. Somehow I missed this post last week. :( Mom said Peyton is doing better and I'm so glad. I was worried about him with that cough. Hopefully now that you're over all the bugs you can still make it to the beach soon! Miss you guys.
